Restraint Orders
Understanding the Impact of Restraint Orders
When you face a restraint order, having a specialized lawyer is crucial. This order can freeze a significant part of your personal or business assets, adding immense pressure during ongoing investigations.
Why Choose Harris Solicitors?
Harris Solicitors stands out by fully addressing the often-overlooked impact of restraint orders. We know that these orders can be more stressful than the investigation itself.
Prosecutors' Power
Prosecutors use the Proceeds of Crime Act to freeze assets, preventing their disposal and showing their commitment to pursuing financial wrongdoing. Restraint orders are usually sought during criminal proceedings to secure assets for possible future confiscation after a conviction.
The Reality of 'Frozen' Assets
Also known as 'freezing orders,' restraint orders stop your assets from being used. This can halt your business, trade, or daily activities both locally and internationally.
How Harris Solicitors Can Help
Our experience with both professional and lay clients helps us understand the wide-ranging effects of restraint orders. We act quickly to address and modify these orders, knowing how severely they impact your finances and assets.
Legal Examination
Checking the legality of a restraint order is essential. Harris Solicitors examines these aspects, ready to challenge or discharge any orders that are not legally sound.
Fighting for You
Restraint orders and long investigations can be frustrating. Harris Solicitors always challenges the necessity of these orders from the start. If they can be contested, removing them is our priority.
Variations for Relief
If a restraint order is legal, we look for ways to modify it. This can allow you to continue your business or trade. We also ensure provisions for paying essential bills and covering reasonable living expenses.
Balancing Protection and Freedom
While restraint orders protect assets for future confiscation, they shouldn't stop legitimate income or daily financial responsibilities. Harris Solicitors ensures these orders are fair.
Your Path to Resolution
Our experienced lawyers provide sound advice and take steps to discharge or modify restraint orders. For personalised help, contact us at 01274 392177. Harris Solicitors is your reliable partner throughout this process.