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Fraud & White Collar Crime

At Harris Solicitors, we're experts in handling complicated fraud and white collar crime cases. Our skilled team of lawyers can help you with investigations for being charged with fraud, such as VAT fraud, mortgage fraud, insurance fraud, or benefit fraud. Getting expert legal advice quickly is really important to make sure things turn out well for you. You can count on us at Harris Solicitors for fast, reliable, and smart legal help.

Most commonly it occurs when a person dishonestly makes a false representation in order to gain for themselves or cause loss to another.

The type of offences for which a person could be prosecuted include:

  • Fraud by False Representation – lying about something with the intention to cause a gain or a loss.

  • Fraud by Failure to Disclose Information – not declaring something when you have a legal duty to do so with the intention to cause a gain or a loss.

  • Fraud by Abuse of Position – where someone abuses a position of trust where there is an expectation to safeguard the financial interest of another and places another at financial risk or causes a loss.


Handling fraud cases is complicated because they come in many shapes and sizes, affecting both people and businesses. What happens in court depends on each case's unique details, like how much someone gained, how much someone lost, and if they've done crimes before.

Fraud charges are serious and can lead to jail time, huge fines, and other possessions. They can also ruin your reputation and finances.

At Harris Solicitors, we have a history of winning tough fraud cases. Our team is skilled, hardworking, and pays close attention to every detail. If you're facing a fraud investigation, we'll give you clear advice and guide you on what to do next. If you choose us to help you, we'll work tirelessly to protect your interests and get the best possible outcome for you.

Case Studies

Our portfolio showcases Harris Solicitors' successful acquittals for clients in intricate and substantial fraud cases

Case Study

VAT Fraud Facing allegations in a £2.2 million VAT repayment fraud scheme, our client's defense prevailed. Scrutinizing 23,000 pages of evidence, we demonstrated that our client was wrongly implicated, leading to acquittal.

Case Study

Insurance Fraud Defending against a £9 million insurance fraud case, we secured the dismissal of the main count and successfully modified a POCA restraint order for our client, enabling their business activities during proceedings.

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